Spaziatura e tempo del taglio perfetti di Duncan in questo attacco in transizione di San Antonio.
LAC - SAS ven 29/03/13
Perfect timing and spacing of Duncan's cut in this offense transition fo San Antonio Spurs.
LAC - SAS Fri 03/29/13
Blocco orizzontale per Spitter che va diretto a giocare il pick&roll con Parker, la spaziatura prevede un tiratore nell'angolo (Green) e Duncan sul gomito opposto a gioco a due.
La difesa dei Clippers decide di aiutare sul roll col difensore di Duncan e stare accoppiata al tiratore (inoltre il difensore di Green non può "zonare" per le regole NBA), Tim taglia col tempo perfetto e Splitter lo serve altrettanto bene.
Horizontal screen for Spitter going forward to play the pick and roll with Parker, spacing provides a shooter in the corner (Green) and Duncan on the free throw elbow in the opposite side of the pick.
The Clippers defense decides to help on the roll with the Duncan defender and be face to face with the shooter (also the defender of Green can't be too much in the paint because of the NBA rules), Tim cut with perfect timing and Splitter serves him perfectly as well.
The Clippers defense decides to help on the roll with the Duncan defender and be face to face with the shooter (also the defender of Green can't be too much in the paint because of the NBA rules), Tim cut with perfect timing and Splitter serves him perfectly as well.

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